哈维·马德为总统哈里特·B就职. Nembhard


2月. 二十九日及三月一日, 电子游艺信誉排行欢迎校友, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 受托人, 代表, 和朋友们一起为哈里特就职. Nembhard是学院69年历史上的第六任校长.

为期两天的庆祝活动包括正式的授职仪式, 安嫩伯格系列演讲, 社区服务项目, a gala dinner featuring a panel discussion with presidents from fellow colleges, 午宴, 学生歌舞表演, 一个舞会等等.  

在3月1日的授职仪式上, representatives from various constituencies offered words of welcome to 总统Nembhard.

Chair of the 校董会 Jim Bean ’77 opened the ceremony by welcoming Nembhard to the stage and welcoming members of the community to share in the historic occasion.

“Dr. Nembhard comes to Harvey Mudd bringing a depth of experience in teaching, 奖学金, 政府, 指导和领导,比恩说.

Professor of Religious Studies Erika Dyson spoke of the blessing and challenge of living in community and said that she and the Mudd community have claimed Nembhard as “one of our own, 渴望向你学习,渴望被你改变.”

愿我们共同承担起社区的重任, 各国之间的相互联系, 相互的回应和责任, 让彼此对最好的自己负责, 我们最具创新性的, 有创意的, 以及重要的想法, 我们与正义的最深层联系, 我们的风险, 但最有希望的, 对限制人类繁荣的系统进行干预,戴森说.

校友 Association Board of Governors president Kathy French ’97 recalled Founding 总统 Joseph Platt’s conviction that each cohort dedicates itself to the mission of the College and creates its future.

“Today’s events formalize passing our leadership torch amidst an ever more complex atmosphere. While 总统 Platt had no way of envisioning the specific challenges and opportunities ahead of us today or into our future, 他正确地认识到,“这是我们创造的。,’”弗兰奇说。.

希兰Chodosh, 克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院院长, 尼姆哈德的母校, both welcomed Harriet home to Claremont and invited the community to take off with her into the future. “这对我们每个人来说都是值得骄傲的时刻. 不仅在到达的地点,而且在尚未绘制地图的道路上. This is not only because Harriet’s leadership emerged from within our own home. 这就是她 现在 brings to our table; her special capabilities that will lead us forward,” Chodosh said.

Chair of the 教师 and Professor of 数学 Susan Martonosi remarked that “propelling innovation” was an apt theme for Harvey Mudd, as the College has been innovative since its founding in challenging the norms of STEM education and because innovation is particularly needed at this time in history. “世界需要电子游艺信誉排行. But not the Harvey Mudd of yesterday or even of today; the world needs the Harvey Mudd College of tomorrow,马托诺西说.

“As we stand on the precipice of our future, we are fortunate to have in 总统 Harriet B. Nembhard a leader who is prepared to leverage Harvey Mudd College’s fine tradition of innovation to propel us forward,马托诺西说.

工作人员代表Laura Palucki Blake说, assistant vice president for institutional research and effectiveness, 描述了内姆哈德的存在, 语言和领导力, 以准备为特征, 好奇和关心.  

在她的职业生涯中, she has demonstrated the 勇气 to engage in challenging conversations and make difficult decisions while simultaneously exuding the joy, 温暖, and wonder that is required to lead an institution like ours with empathy and integrity,帕卢奇·布莱克说.

Kayleah Tsai, 24岁, president of ASHMC; and Henry Hammer ’24, student senate chair; reflected on their experience working with Nembhard since her arrival at the College.

“哈丽特校长是校园里的一大乐事. 她是一位善良的领导, 谁会真正花时间停下来向校园里的每个人致谢呢, 让他们感到被重视,蔡英文说.

“总统 Harriet has been an invaluable resource to us as rising leaders. She has taught us the difference between choosing the correct option and the right option and how to always lead with kindness and empathy. We have taken many of her words to heart and continue to look to her as a role model for excellent leadership,哈默说.

劳拉•拉森, 校董会副主席, 谈到了Nembhard与人真诚沟通的能力.

Former first lady of CMC and close friend Jil Stark commented that Nembhard has many reasons to smile, 包括优秀学生, 教师 and 受托人 at Harvey Mudd who are working to change the world for the better.

Former PhD advisee Hyojung Kang described the qualities 总统Nembhard embodied as a teacher and advisor. “在你担任总统这个新角色之际, I have every confidence that you will continue to lead with the same spirit of 勇气ous leadership, 激情, 卓越, 正直和谦逊. 你会激励学生, 工作人员, 教职员工和社区成员要有远大的梦想, embrace challenges with resilience and always strive for 卓越 in all that we do,Kang说.

女儿Naomi Nembhard分享了她成长的过程, 她妈妈经常告诉她, “是好, 是聪明的,” and how the meaning and importance of these words continued to grow for her. “Your goodness must be backed up by smart choices because unconditional kindness isn’t always actually kind. And your smartness and your intelligence must have kindness at the forefront in order to make the kinds of changes we need to see,内姆哈德说.

配偶兼工程学教授David Nembhard说, “As I learned more and more about this community and experienced becoming a part of this community, I realize how honored and proud I am to share Harriet with you as she leads Harvey Mudd College as our sixth 总统. May her leadership inspire us to propel innovation and reach new heights.”

Board Chair Bean formally declared 总统Nembhard the sixth president of Harvey Mudd College, 授予她总统勋章. 内奥米·内姆哈德帮助内姆哈德总统戴上了奖章.

“We are committed to continuously generating and sharing solutions that ignite positive change, drawing inspiration not only from the legacy of our past—but also from the limitless potential of our future endeavors,内姆哈德在就职演说中说.

”在一起, 让我们以乐观的态度迎接这一旅程, 勇气, 决心和对卓越的共同奉献. 在一起, let us continue propelling innovation as we push the frontiers of k现在ledge and inspire future generations of thinkers and leaders. 让我们一起飞向更高的高度!”

The ceremony concluded with choral music from the Claremont Concert Choir and a poetry reading by Ada Limón, 美国桂冠诗人.

仪式结束后, 就职庆典以全校午餐继续进行, 社区参与活动, 学生表演和舞会.

查看 完整的授职仪式.